Latest Blogs
A collection of my experiments, thoughts and learnings
Machine Learning
Indie Hacking
Software Engineering
JSONata 101
How to hunt down a bug or an Issue
How to Design a Chatbot System Architecture
All About Authentication Systems
Backend Engineer - Behind the Scenes
How to Connect to Custom Oauth2 Provider Using Auth0?
Challenges In Full-Text-Search Systems
Types of Databases & When to Use them
Open-Closed Principle
How to Do Code Reviews?
Data Engineering
Python Decorators - A Deep Dive
Add Auth Layer to Your FastAPIs
The Pain Of Building a Centralized Error Handler in FastAPI
How to Build a Testing Library Like Pytest?
Pydantic Tips, Tricks and Comparison with Dataclasses and Attrs
Python Position and Keyword Only Arguments
UML isn't Dead
Migrating to Flask-SQLAlchemy 3.0
What is __name__ == "__main__" in Python?
Python Generators vs Iterators
Building OwnFlask - A Flask(like) Python Framework
ORM in Python Flask
Asynchronous Task Execution In Python
Building OwnFlask - A Flask(like) Python Framework
Caching in Python
How to Generate UML Diagrams from Python Source Code?
Merging Python Modules
Are your Secrets Safe In Python?
Bound vs Unbound Functions In Python
Itertools Hacks
Unbound Variables in Python
JWT Bases Authentication In Python + Flask
What are the Best Resources to Learn Python in 2023(or any year)?
Data Model in Python
Multi-Processing Vs Multi-Threading
Python Namespaces & Variable Scope
When to Use Flask vs Django?
Quick Start Automation
Get started with Docker-Compose
Local K8 Cluster With Kind
Docker CLI Cheatsheet
AWS IAM Users, Roles, and Policies
Data & Model Versioning
Introduction to Docker - The What, Why and How
Docker - Virtualization vs Containerization
What Happens During Docker Build and Run?
Deploying Flask Applications in Kubernetes (Digitalocean)
La Vie En Rose
Life Lessons After a Depressive Episode
Are you constantly Distracted? It's not You.
How to Fast-track Your Learning?
Is this Burnout?
How do you do so many things at the same time?
5 Reasons Why You Should Start your Fitness Routine ASAP?
How to be (more) Productive?
End Goal - How to set goals and track them?
Shopping Like a Stingy-Minimalist
The Magic of Responsibility — A Story
Project GoodVibes - A low-Key Gratitude Journaling
Technical Writing
Apache Airflow
How to Copy/Move S3 Files With Apache Airflow
Setting Up Apache Airflow For Local Development in Mac M1
Airflow Operators - A Comparison
An Introduction to Apache Airflow
How to Send Email Alerts from Airflow?
Can Next Scheduled Run Automatically Re-Run failed Task?
Dynamic Task Mapping
Sending Email Alerts in Apache Airflow with Sendgrid
Sending Email Alerts in Apache Airflow with Sendgrid
KubernetesPodOperator vs. KubernetesExecutor
Apache Airflow + MongoDB